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5.3. (Exercise) Physically-Informed Climate Modeling#

By the end of this second exercise, you will:

  1. Understand how using physical knowledge to rescale a machine learning model’s inputs can make it more robust and generalizable,

  2. Know how to use custom data generators to nonlinearly rescale inputs before feeding them to a neural network, and

  3. Practice parameterization on a realistic research case.

While this notebook’s completion time may widely vary depending on your programming experience, we estimate it will take a minimum of 30 minutes and much longer if you decide to explore the source code. This notebook provides a minimal reproducible example of the work described in the following preprint:

Beucler, Tom, Michael Pritchard, Janni Yuval, Ankitesh Gupta, Liran Peng, Stephan Rasp, Fiaz Ahmed et al. “Climate-invariant machine learning.”,

and contains a reduced version of our data.

We will be relying on Keras, whose documentation you can find here, and TensorFlow, whose documentation you can find here. The notebooks assume that you will run them on Google Colab (Google Colab tutorial at this link).

While everything can be run locally and there are only a handful of lines that use Google specific libraries, we encourage beginners to use Google Colab not to run into Python virtual environment issues.

Before we get started, if you are struggling with some of the exercises, do not hesitate to:


Storms rapidly transport heat and water in the atmosphere, regulating the Earth’s climate. Can you predict how storms affect atmospheric temperatures using deep learning, even in a changing climate?

Source: Photo by John Fowler licensed under the Unsplash License.

5.3.1. Part I: Configuration and Requirements#

#@title  Run this cell for preliminary requirements. Double click for the source code
!pip install --no-binary 'shapely==1.6.4' 'shapely==1.6.4' --force
!pip install xarray==2023.02.0 # Install latest version of xarray in Spring 2023
!pip install keras==2.12.0 tensorflow==2.12.0 # Install latest version of keras-tensorflow in Spring 2023
!pip install h5py==3.8.0 # Install latest version of h5py in Spring 2023
!pip install scipy==1.10.1 # Install latest version of scipy in Spring 2023
!pip install matplotlib==3.7.1 # Install latest version of matplotlib in Spring 2023
!pip install cartopy==0.21.1 # Install latest version of cartopy in Spring 2023
ERROR: Invalid requirement: "'shapely==1.6.4'"
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'
ERROR: Invalid requirement: '#'
#@title  Run this cell for Python library imports. Double click for the source code
import cartopy
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import as ccrs
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as sin
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from keras.layers import *

import h5py
import pickle
import pooch
import xarray as xr
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 2
      1 #@title  Run this cell for Python library imports. Double click for the source code
----> 2 import cartopy
      3 import cartopy.feature as cfeature
      4 import as ccrs

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cartopy'
#@title Run this cell for figure aesthetics. Double click for the source code
fz = 15 # Here we define the fontsize
lw = 2 # the linewidth
siz = 75 # and the scattered dots' size

plt.rc('text', usetex=False)
mpl.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix'
mpl.rcParams[''] = 'STIXGeneral'
plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=fz)
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = lw
#@title  Run this cell to load the data using the pooch library. Double click for the source code
path_data = ''

# Load simulation data
path_cold = path_data + 'EfHoI_pZY3xAi4bLEuDobaUBjyQmoJd1AvYnoPdH01VN-w?download=1'
path_warm = path_data + 'Eeq_n6Qv0jZBuRkICaOb0VQB6J1cN7muM6MrA3zA-v7LFg?download=1'
cold_open = pooch.retrieve(path_cold, known_hash='7b793afdd866a2e9b0db8fdb5029a88d557bf98525601275f5a335e95b26ac1a')
warm_open = pooch.retrieve(path_warm, known_hash='211db8ae89904f1fa3e2f17dc623bc6f5c6156cf24f4e3a42d92660ab1790fd4')
cold_data = xr.open_dataset(cold_open)
warm_data = xr.open_dataset(warm_open)

# Load normalization files
path_hyam_hybm = path_data + 'Eb3WRMTGuUJNmsywPZOr0HEB-ocxfu7UkFFteWU0SyVqdQ?download=1'
path_norm_raw = path_data + 'EbqnraroMS9OsYazoCKPvxoBi42jeBegusakwfbMtqUO3w?download=1'
path_norm_RH = path_data + 'Eb5Gsx1dm4dCnIASDm6Bc8gBgko9nP3GZVKdRDgleibuTA?download=1'
path_norm_B = path_data + 'EVDMLGtWwCtLpkACuzU-YaUBs-RnsdtlvREJLNpkuG1E9w?download=1'
path_norm_LHFnsDELQ = path_data + 'Edt4Mm1hBT9FrYM0Ngd273oB6K8TvGxcBco35SL_J_ZFZQ?download=1'
hyam_hybm_open = pooch.retrieve(path_hyam_hybm, known_hash='343339f9b0fd4d92a8a31aabf774c0a17b6ac904feb6a2cd03e19ae4ff2bd329')
norm_raw_open = pooch.retrieve(path_norm_raw, known_hash='ee3c669928031af1a03ec3bc61373107575173decf66ede9b0c3b8568214ca0f')
RH_open = pooch.retrieve(path_norm_RH, known_hash='4d5275746eb1aad4a2279e16784befaa4beeab5a2aa6545e0e85437c8d73476f')
B_open = pooch.retrieve(path_norm_B, known_hash='396df61a24f6111acc1b908cdda3d10e0649d3eb551de860b3ebeb4419adc514')
LHFnsDELQ_open = pooch.retrieve(path_norm_LHFnsDELQ, known_hash='514413a6ab0f33039df5f815a925cf8916454d288f384615050131f1bdc8b06f')
hyam_hybm = pickle.load(open(hyam_hybm_open,'rb'))
hyam,hybm = hyam_hybm
norm_raw = xr.open_dataset(norm_raw_open)
norm_RH = xr.open_dataset(RH_open)
norm_B = xr.open_dataset(B_open)
norm_LHFnsDELQ = xr.open_dataset(LHFnsDELQ_open)

# Load training files used to build the normalization data generators
path_train_RH = path_data + 'EWX9way46H9OvLLgLqPEr4QB4WkyTPDwGB7b-EjhTVIHww?download=1'
RH_train_open = pooch.retrieve(path_train_RH, known_hash='082cb63e5fbf315d8072a8d1613c8f0d810f949d32c9ad9374523b22de87a539')
path_train_BMSE = path_data + 'EU-cEsEjKT1Gn-s1aOGFMKgBK3C3yrAuxzX5_zaSIVOE-w?download=1'
BMSE_train_open = pooch.retrieve(path_train_BMSE,known_hash='cbc8e1736ffbbbc4b2c6a000cb32942abff73438157cb8e82e4195d76d0c5ccd')
path_train_LHFnsDELQ = path_data + 'ERojIn0ALWFMsPsknNqcOFMB5bL9nb1vPgPUlhO56sMe-Q?download=1'
LHFnsDELQ_train_open = pooch.retrieve(path_train_LHFnsDELQ,

# Extract the range of possible longitude and latitude in case of need
longitude = cold_data.lon[:144].values
latitude =[:96*144:144].values
# SPCAM's background pressure coordinates (in hPa)
pressure_levels = np.array([ 3.643466, 7.59482 , 14.356632, 24.61222 ,
                            38.2683  , 54.59548 , 72.012451,  87.82123 ,
                            103.317127, 121.547241, 142.994039, 168.22508 ,
                            197.908087, 232.828619, 273.910817, 322.241902,
                            379.100904, 445.992574, 524.687175, 609.778695,
                            691.38943 , 763.404481, 820.858369, 859.534767,
                            887.020249, 912.644547, 936.198398, 957.48548 ,
                            976.325407, 992.556095])

5.3.2. Part II: Visualizing the Extrapolation Problem#

We’ve now extracted our cold simulation data as an Xarray DataArray called cold_data and our 8K-warmer simulation data as another Xarray DataArray called warm_data.

Just in case you need it, we’ve also extracted all possible latitude values in latitude and all possible longitude values in longitude. The vertical pressure levels are given by pressure_levels (in hPa).

We will soon visualize the data to give you more intuition about the prediction problem. We aim to predict the effect of ~5km-scale storm, clouds, and turbulence on the climate from the climate conditions (specific humidity QBP in kg/kg, temperature TBP in K, surface pressure PS in hPa, solar insolation SOLIN in \(W/m^{2}\), surface sensible heat fluxes SHFLX in \(W/m^{2}\) and surface latent heat fluxes LHFLX in \(W/m^{2}\).

As an example, we’ll focus on predicting “subgrid heating tendencies” or TPHYSTND in \(K/s\) at the model’s vertical levels, which is the rate at which these storms, clouds, and turbulence warm up the atmosphere. However, you could reproduce the example below with PHQ, which contains the “subgrid moistening tendencies”.

Therefore, our prediction problem can be mathematically phrased as a regression problem, in which we are trying to predict:

y = [ TPHYSTND[:30] ]


x = [ QBP[:30] , TBP[:30] , PS , SOLIN , SHFLX , LHFLX ],

where we use a vertical grid with 30 vertical levels, which means that the profiles of specific humidity QBP and temperature TBP both have 30 vertical levels, while the other inputs are scalars.


The inputs or features (left) of a machine-learning parameterization are variables representing the large-scale climate properties, while the outputs or targets (right) are the rate at which storm-scale turbulence redistributes heat, moisture, and affects radiative fluxes.

#@title  Run this cell to calculate spatial statistics of the specific humidity input.
cold_q_m = {}; warm_q_m = {};
dictionary = ['mean','max','min']

for idic,m in enumerate(dictionary):
    cold_q_m[m] = np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude)))
    warm_q_m[m] = np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude)))

Nsample = (len(longitude)*len(latitude)) # Total number of samples

# First, convert the arrays to numpy to accelerate calculations
# and extract the specific humidity profile q
cold_q = cold_data['vars'][:,29].values
warm_q = warm_data['vars'][:,29].values

# We will resphape both arrays to take advantage of numpy's design
# to perform operations on entire data arrays in a single opertaion
# which is faster than (nested) loops

# Count the number of world maps (timesteps) in each dataset
Nt_cold, Nt_warm = len(cold_q) // Nsample, len(warm_q) // Nsample

# Deduct the target shape of both reshaped arrays
coldq_shape = (Nt_cold, len(latitude), len(longitude))
warmq_shape = (Nt_warm, len(latitude), len(longitude))

# Reshape both arrays
# (Eliminate incomplete world maps of q at the end of the cold_q,warm_q arrays)
cold_q_reshaped = cold_q[].reshape(coldq_shape)
warm_q_reshaped = warm_q[].reshape(warmq_shape)

# Calculate means, mins, maxes along the first axis
cold_q_m['mean'] = np.mean(cold_q_reshaped, axis=0)
warm_q_m['mean'] = np.mean(warm_q_reshaped, axis=0)

cold_q_m['min'] = np.min(cold_q_reshaped, axis=0)
warm_q_m['min'] = np.min(warm_q_reshaped, axis=0)

cold_q_m['max'] = np.max(cold_q_reshaped, axis=0)
warm_q_m['max'] = np.max(warm_q_reshaped, axis=0)
#@title  Run this cell to define a function plotting maps of these spatial statistics.
def Input_map(cold_variable, warm_variable, cold_name, warm_name, var_name,
              vmin, vmax):
    Plots maps of the cold_variable (with the title "cold_name")
    next to the warm_variable (with the title "warm_name")
    and sets the colorbar's label to "var_name".
    The colorbar ranges from vmin to vmax.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,

    cold = ax[0].pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, cold_variable,
    warm = ax[1].pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, warm_variable,

    for iplot in range(2):

    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.94,0.2,0.01,0.6])
    cbar = fig.colorbar(warm, label=var_name,cax=cbar_ax)

    return fig,ax
Input_map(1e3*cold_q_m['mean'], 1e3*warm_q_m['mean'],
          '(Cold climate) Mean Input', '(Warm climate) Mean Input',
          'Near-surface specific humidity (g/kg)', 0, 30);
Input_map(1e3*cold_q_m['min'], 1e3*warm_q_m['min'],
          '(Cold climate) Minimum Input', '(Warm climate) Minimum Input',
          'Near-surface specific humidity (g/kg)', 0, 30);
Input_map(1e3*cold_q_m['max'], 1e3*warm_q_m['max'],
          '(Cold climate) Maximum Input', '(Warm climate) Maximum Input',
          'Near-surface specific humidity (g/kg)', 0, 30);

As you can see, the warm climate contains values of the inputs (here, near-surface specific humidity) that were never seen during training. This means that even if we learn an excellent machine-learning parameterization in the cold climate, using this same machine-learning parameterization in a warm climate will be a challenging extrapolation problem.

Two goals of this notebook will be to:

  1. Expose the failure of a deep learning parameterization when generalizing from a cold climate to a warm climate.

  2. Physically rescaling the inputs to minimize distribution changes across climates. This will improve the generalization ability of our deep learning algorithms.

☁ Let’s start right away with the first physical rescaling: specific humidity into relative humidity ☁

5.3.3. Q1) To avoid the extrapolation problems visualized above, transform specific humidity into relative humidity#

You may use the equations below, which are adapted from the System for Atmospheric Modeling model for consistency with our storm-resolving data. Assuming you already calculated the saturation pressure of water vapor over liquid water \(e_{liq}\) and the saturation pressure of water vapor over ice \(e_{ice}\), the model calculates relative humidity in two steps.

  1. It assumes that the system’s combined saturation pressure is:

  • Equal to \(e_{liq}\) for above-freezing temperatures (\(T>273.16K\))

  • Equal to \(e_{ice}\) for cold temperatures (\(T<253.16K\))

  • A linear combination of the two in the intermediate range:

\(e_{sat}=\omega \times e_{liq} + (1-\omega) \times e_{ice}\)

where the weight \(\omega\) is defined as:

\(\omega = \frac{T-253.16K}{273.16K-253.16K}\).

  1. It then combines the ideal gas law and Dalton’s law with the definition of relative humidity to calculate relative humidity as:

\(RH = \frac{e}{e_{sat}} = \frac{R_v}{R_d} \times \frac{p}{e_{sat}} \times q_v\)


  • \(R_v \approx 287 J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\) is the specific ideal gas constant for water vapor

  • \(R_d \approx 461 J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\) is the specific ideal gas constant for a standard dry air mixture

  • \(p\) is air pressure

  • \(q_v\) is specific humidity, or equivalently the water vapor mass concentration (in kg/kg)

# Assume you have access to specific humidity, temperature, and air pressure
# Remember Python indices are left-inclusive and right-exclusive
# (You can just run this cell)

specific_humidity = cold_data['vars'][:,:30] # in kg/kg
temperature = cold_data['vars'][:,30:60] # in K

P0 = 1e5 # Mean surface air pressure (Pa)
near_surface_air_pressure = cold_data['vars'][:,60]
# Formula to calculate air pressure (in Pa) using the hybrid vertical grid
# coefficients at the middle of each vertical level: hyam and hybm
air_pressure_Pa = np.outer(near_surface_air_pressure**0,P0*hyam) + \

Our goal is to calculate relative humidity using the above equations. We’ll assume we already have functions (below) giving us e_{liq} and e_{ice} as a function of air temperature T. These functions can be called using:

  • eliq(temperature)

  • eice(temperature)

#@title Source code for eliq(T) and esat(T): Do not forget to execute this cell
def eliq(T):
    Function taking temperature (in K) and outputting liquid saturation
    pressure (in hPa) using a polynomial fit
    a_liq = np.array([-0.976195544e-15,-0.952447341e-13,0.640689451e-10,
    c_liq = -80
    T0 = 273.16
    return 100*np.polyval(a_liq,np.maximum(c_liq,T-T0))

def eice(T):
    Function taking temperature (in K) and outputting ice saturation
    pressure (in hPa) using a polynomial fit
    a_ice = np.array([0.252751365e-14,0.146898966e-11,0.385852041e-9,
    c_ice = np.array([273.15,185,-100,0.00763685,0.000151069,7.48215e-07])
    T0 = 273.16
    return (T>c_ice[0])*eliq(T)+\


  • You can often accelerate your calculations by converting xarray DataArray into numpy nd-arrays using their values method. You will load these values into memory when you do this, so it will increase RAM usage.

  • To implement \(e_{sat}\), you may e.g., use numpy’s where function or booleans.

  • Given that super-saturation is rare at climate timescales, you can optionally bound your relative humidity calculation by 1.

💡 For all questions, you can write your own code or complete the proposed code by replacing the underscores with the appropriate script

# Here's an empty code cell to look at the data, etc.
# You can add or remove code and text cells via the "Insert" menu
# Q1.1) Calculate the combined saturation water vapor pressure here

omega = (temperature - ___) / (___ - ___)

# Make sure your weight omega is always between 0 and 1
omega = ___

esat =  ___
# Q1.2) Calculate relative humidity here

relative_humidity = ___
#@title A possible solution for Q1

# 1) Calculating saturation water vapor pressure
T0 = 273.16 # Freezing temperature in standard conditions
T00 = 253.16 # Temperature below which we use e_ice
omega = (temperature - T00) / (T0 - T00)
omega = np.maximum( 0, np.minimum( 1, omega ))

esat =  omega * eliq(temperature) + (1-omega) * eice(temperature)

# 2) Calculating relative humidity
Rd = 287 # Specific gas constant for dry air
Rv = 461 # Specific gas constant for water vapor

# We use the `values` method to convert Xarray DataArray into Numpy ND-Arrays
relative_humidity = Rv/Rd * air_pressure_Pa/esat.values * specific_humidity.values

5.3.4. Q2) Ensure that you mostly solved the extrapolation problem visualized in Part I#

For this purpose, let’s repeat the visualization of near-surface humidity, but this time using near-surface relative instead of specific humidity.

#@title First, let's automatize the relative humidity calculation...

def RH_from_climate(data):

    # 0) Extract specific humidity, temperature, and air pressure
    specific_humidity = data['vars'][:,:30] # in kg/kg
    temperature = data['vars'][:,30:60] # in K

    P0 = 1e5 # Mean surface air pressure (Pa)
    near_surface_air_pressure = data['vars'][:,60]
    # Formula to calculate air pressure (in Pa) using the hybrid vertical grid
    # coefficients at the middle of each vertical level: hyam and hybm
    air_pressure_Pa = np.outer(near_surface_air_pressure**0,P0*hyam) + \

    # 1) Calculating saturation water vapor pressure
    T0 = 273.16 # Freezing temperature in standard conditions
    T00 = 253.16 # Temperature below which we use e_ice
    omega = (temperature - T00) / (T0 - T00)
    omega = np.maximum( 0, np.minimum( 1, omega ))

    esat =  omega * eliq(temperature) + (1-omega) * eice(temperature)

    # 2) Calculating relative humidity
    Rd = 287 # Specific gas constant for dry air
    Rv = 461 # Specific gas constant for water vapor

    # We use the `values` method to convert Xarray DataArray into Numpy ND-Arrays
    return Rv/Rd * air_pressure_Pa/esat.values * specific_humidity.values

… so that we can calculate relative humidity for both cold and warm climates. We can then extract near-surface (993hPa) humidity, which is the input variable that was clearly out-of-distribution when we used specific humidity.

RH_cold = RH_from_climate(cold_data) # Relative humidity for the cold simulation output
RH_warm = RH_from_climate(warm_data) # Relative humidity for the warm simulation output

near_surf_RH_cold = RH_cold[:,-1] # Near-surface relative humidity for the cold case
near_surf_RH_warm = RH_warm[:,-1] # Near-surface relative humidity for the warm case
# First, calculate the spatial statistics of this new near-surface
# relative humidity field. You may complete the code below or write your own.
cold_RH_m = {}; warm_RH_m = {};
dictionary = ['mean','max','min']

for idic,m in enumerate(dictionary):
    cold_RH_m[m] = np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude)))
    warm_RH_m[m] = np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude)))

cold_RH_reshaped = near_surf_RH_cold[].reshape(coldq_shape)
warm_RH_reshaped = near_surf_RH_warm[].reshape(warmq_shape)

# Complete the code below calculating the spatial statistics
cold_RH_m['mean'] = np.___(___, axis=___)
warm_RH_m['mean'] = np.___(___, axis=___)

cold_RH_m['min'] = ___
warm_RH_m['min'] = ___

cold_RH_m['max'] = ___
warm_RH_m['max'] = ___
# Visualize the mean near-surface relative humidity at each location
# You may use the Input_map function provided above
# Visualize the maximum at each location
# Visualize the minimum at each location
#@title A possible solution for Q2

# Calculate relative humidity statistics in cold/warm simulation output
cold_RH_m = {}; warm_RH_m = {};
dictionary = ['mean','max','min']

for idic,m in enumerate(dictionary):
    cold_RH_m[m] = np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude)))
    warm_RH_m[m] = np.zeros((len(latitude),len(longitude)))

# Calculate the spatial statistics of the newly derived RH field
cold_RH_reshaped = near_surf_RH_cold[].reshape(coldq_shape)
warm_RH_reshaped = near_surf_RH_warm[].reshape(warmq_shape)

cold_RH_m['mean'] = np.mean(cold_RH_reshaped, axis=0)
warm_RH_m['mean'] = np.mean(warm_RH_reshaped, axis=0)

cold_RH_m['min'] = np.min(cold_RH_reshaped, axis=0)
warm_RH_m['min'] = np.min(warm_RH_reshaped, axis=0)

cold_RH_m['max'] = np.max(cold_RH_reshaped, axis=0)
warm_RH_m['max'] = np.max(warm_RH_reshaped, axis=0)

# Visualize the new relative humidity input
Input_map(1e2*cold_RH_m['mean'], 1e2*warm_RH_m['mean'],
          '(Cold climate) Mean Input', '(Warm climate) Mean Input',
          'Relative Humidity (%)', 0, 100);
Input_map(1e2*cold_RH_m['max'], 1e2*warm_RH_m['max'],
          '(Cold climate) Max Input', '(Warm climate) Max Input',
          'Relative Humidity (%)', 0, 100);
Input_map(1e2*cold_RH_m['min'], 1e2*warm_RH_m['min'],
          '(Cold climate) Min Input', '(Warm climate) Min Input',
          'Relative Humidity (%)', 0, 100);

😃 It looks like our input distribution is now quite similar in the cold and warm climates! Since the support (range) of the relative humidity is \(\approx [0,1]\), we now expect to have mostly converted a difficult extrapolation case into an easier interpolation case. The rest of this notebook will explore the consequences of this physical rescaling for the performance and generalization ability of neural networks 🧠

It would take much more than the alloted 30 minutes to repeat the same physical rescaling in a data generator (also called data loader or data pipeline), so we directly give you the source code below. Run it if you would like to proceed, and read it if you want to dive into fun implementation details 🤓


Our custom data generator rescales the inputs \(x\) to \(\widetilde{x}\) before feeding them to the machine learning model for training.

#@title Source code for the moist thermodynamics library: Run to proceed and double click to read

# Constants for the Community Atmosphere Model
DT = 1800.
L_V = 2.501e6   # Latent heat of vaporization
L_I = 3.337e5   # Latent heat of freezing
L_F = L_I
L_S = L_V + L_I # Sublimation
C_P = 1.00464e3 # Specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure
G = 9.80616
RHO_L = 1e3

# Moist thermodynamics library in numpy
class CrhClass:
    def __init__(self):

    def eliq(self,T):
        a_liq = np.array([-0.976195544e-15,-0.952447341e-13,0.640689451e-10,0.206739458e-7,0.302950461e-5,0.264847430e-3,0.142986287e-1,0.443987641,6.11239921]);
        c_liq = -80
        T0 = 273.16
        return 100*np.polyval(a_liq,np.maximum(c_liq,T-T0))

    def eice(self,T):
        a_ice = np.array([0.252751365e-14,0.146898966e-11,0.385852041e-9,0.602588177e-7,0.615021634e-5,0.420895665e-3,0.188439774e-1,0.503160820,6.11147274]);
        c_ice = np.array([273.15,185,-100,0.00763685,0.000151069,7.48215e-07])
        T0 = 273.16
        return (T>c_ice[0])*self.eliq(T)+\

    def esat(self,T):
        T0 = 273.16
        T00 = 253.16
        omega = np.maximum(0,np.minimum(1,(T-T00)/(T0-T00)))

        return (T>T0)*self.eliq(T)+(T<T00)*self.eice(T)+(T<=T0)*(T>=T00)*(omega*self.eliq(T)+(1-omega)*self.eice(T))

    def RH(self,T,qv,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        R = 287
        Rv = 461
        S = PS.shape
        p = 1e5 * np.tile(hyam,(S[0],1))+np.transpose(np.tile(PS,(30,1)))*np.tile(hybm,(S[0],1))

        return Rv*p*qv/(R*self.esat(T))

    def qv(self,T,RH,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        R = 287
        Rv = 461
        S = PS.shape
        p = 1e5 * np.tile(hyam,(S[0],1))+np.transpose(np.tile(PS,(30,1)))*np.tile(hybm,(S[0],1))

        return R*self.esat(T)*RH/(Rv*p)

    def qsat(self,T,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        return self.qv(T,1,P0,PS,hyam,hybm)

    def dP(self,PS):
        S = PS.shape
        P = 1e5 * np.tile(hyai,(S[0],1))+np.transpose(np.tile(PS,(31,1)))*np.tile(hybi,(S[0],1))
        return P[:, 1:]-P[:, :-1]

class ThermLibNumpy:
    def eliqNumpy(T):
        a_liq = np.float32(np.array([-0.976195544e-15,-0.952447341e-13,\
        c_liq = np.float32(-80.0)
        T0 = np.float32(273.16)
        return np.float32(100.0)*np.polyval(a_liq,np.maximum(c_liq,T-T0))

    def eiceNumpy(T):
        a_ice = np.float32(np.array([0.252751365e-14,0.146898966e-11,0.385852041e-9,\
        c_ice = np.float32(np.array([273.15,185,-100,0.00763685,0.000151069,7.48215e-07]))
        T0 = np.float32(273.16)
        return np.where(T>c_ice[0],ThermLibNumpy.eliqNumpy(T),\

    def esatNumpy(T):
        T0 = np.float32(273.16)
        T00 = np.float32(253.16)
        omtmp = (T-T00)/(T0-T00)
        omega = np.maximum(np.float32(0.0),np.minimum(np.float32(1.0),omtmp))

        return np.where(T>T0,ThermLibNumpy.eliqNumpy(T),np.where(T<T00,ThermLibNumpy.eiceNumpy(T),(omega*ThermLibNumpy.eliqNumpy(T)+(1-omega)*ThermLibNumpy.eiceNumpy(T))))

    def qvNumpy(T,RH,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):

        R = np.float32(287.0)
        Rv = np.float32(461.0)
        p = P0 * hyam + PS[:, None] * hybm # Total pressure (Pa)

        T = T.astype(np.float32)
        if type(RH) == int:
            RH = T**0
        RH = RH.astype(np.float32)
        p = p.astype(np.float32)

        return R*ThermLibNumpy.esatNumpy(T)*RH/(Rv*p)
        # DEBUG 1
        # return esat(T)

    def RHNumpy(T,qv,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        R = np.float32(287.0)
        Rv = np.float32(461.0)
        p = P0 * hyam + PS[:, None] * hybm # Total pressure (Pa)

        T = T.astype(np.float32)
        qv = qv.astype(np.float32)
        p = p.astype(np.float32)

        return Rv*p*qv/(R*ThermLibNumpy.esatNumpy(T))

    def qsatNumpy(T,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        return ThermLibNumpy.qvNumpy(T,1,P0,PS,hyam,hybm)

    def qsatsurfNumpy(TS,P0,PS):
        R = 287
        Rv = 461
        return R*ThermLibNumpy.esatNumpy(TS)/(Rv*PS)

    def dPNumpy(PS):
        S = PS.shape
        P = 1e5 * np.tile(hyai,(S[0],1))+np.transpose(np.tile(PS,(31,1)))*np.tile(hybi,(S[0],1))
        return P[:, 1:]-P[:, :-1]

    def theta_e_calc(T,qv,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        S = PS.shape
        p = P0 * np.tile(hyam,(S[0],1))+np.transpose(np.tile(PS,(30,1)))*np.tile(hybm,(S[0],1))
        tmelt  = 273.15
        CPD = 1005.7
        CPV = 1870.0
        CPVMCL = 2320.0
        RV = 461.5
        RD = 287.04
        EPS = RD/RV
        ALV0 = 2.501E6
        r = qv / (1. - qv)
        # get ev in hPa
        ev_hPa = 100*p*r/(EPS+r)
        #get TL
        TL = (2840. / ((3.5*np.log(T)) - (np.log(ev_hPa)) - 4.805)) + 55.
        #calc chi_e:
        chi_e = 0.2854 * (1. - (0.28*r))
        P0_norm = (P0/(P0 * np.tile(hyam,(S[0],1))+np.transpose(np.tile(PS,(30,1)))*np.tile(hybm,(S[0],1))))
        theta_e = T * P0_norm**chi_e * np.exp(((3.376/TL) - 0.00254) * r * 1000. * (1. + (0.81 * r)))
        return theta_e

    def theta_e_sat_calc(T,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        return ThermLibNumpy.theta_e_calc(T,ThermLibNumpy.qsatNumpy(T,P0,PS,hyam,hybm),P0,PS,hyam,hybm)

    def bmse_calc(T,qv,P0,PS,hyam,hybm):
        eps = 0.622 # Ratio of molecular weight(H2O)/molecular weight(dry air)
        R_D = 287 # Specific gas constant of dry air in J/K/kg
        Rv = 461
        # Calculate kappa
        QSAT0 = ThermLibNumpy.qsatNumpy(T,P0,PS,hyam,hybm)
        kappa = 1+(L_V**2)*QSAT0/(Rv*C_P*(T**2))
        # Calculate geopotential
        r = qv/(qv**0-qv)
        Tv = T*(r**0+r/eps)/(r**0+r)
        p = P0 * hyam + PS[:, None] * hybm
        p = p.astype(np.float32)
        RHO = p/(R_D*Tv)
        Z = -sin.cumtrapz(x=p,y=1/(G*RHO),axis=1)
        Z = np.concatenate((0*Z[:,0:1]**0,Z),axis=1)
        # Assuming near-surface is at 2 meters
        Z = (Z-Z[:,[29]])+2
        # Calculate MSEs of plume and environment
        Tile_dim = [1,30]
        h_plume = np.tile(np.expand_dims(C_P*T[:,-1]+L_V*qv[:,-1],axis=1),Tile_dim)
        h_satenv = C_P*T+L_V*qv+G*Z
        return (G/kappa)*(h_plume-h_satenv)/(C_P*T)

# Physical rescalings
# Specific humidity to relative humidity
class QV2RHNumpy:
    def __init__(self, inp_sub, inp_div, inp_subRH, inp_divRH, hyam, hybm):
        self.inp_sub, self.inp_div, self.inp_subRH, self.inp_divRH, self.hyam, self.hybm = \
            np.array(inp_sub), np.array(inp_div), np.array(inp_subRH), np.array(inp_divRH), \
        np.array(hyam), np.array(hybm)
        # Define variable indices here
        # Input
        self.QBP_idx = slice(0,30)
        self.TBP_idx = slice(30,60)
        self.PS_idx = 60
        self.SHFLX_idx = 62
        self.LHFLX_idx = 63
    def process(self,X):
        Tprior = X[:,self.TBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.TBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.TBP_idx]
        qvprior = X[:,self.QBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.QBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.QBP_idx]
        PSprior = X[:,self.PS_idx]*self.inp_div[self.PS_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.PS_idx]
        RHprior = (ThermLibNumpy.RHNumpy(Tprior,qvprior,P0,PSprior,self.hyam,self.hybm)-\
        X_result = np.concatenate([RHprior.astype(np.float32),X[:,30:]], axis=1)
        return X_result

# Temperature to moist static energy-conserving plume buoyancy
class T2BMSENumpy:
    def __init__(self, inp_sub, inp_div, inp_subT, inp_divT, hyam, hybm):
        self.inp_sub, self.inp_div, self.inp_subT, self.inp_divT, self.hyam, self.hybm = \
            np.array(inp_sub), np.array(inp_div), np.array(inp_subT), np.array(inp_divT), \
        np.array(hyam), np.array(hybm)
        # Define variable indices here
        # Input
        self.QBP_idx = slice(0,30)
        self.TBP_idx = slice(30,60)
        self.PS_idx = 60
        self.SHFLX_idx = 62
        self.LHFLX_idx = 63
    def process(self,X):
        Tprior = X[:,self.TBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.TBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.TBP_idx]
        qvprior = X[:,self.QBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.QBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.QBP_idx]
        PSprior = X[:,self.PS_idx]*self.inp_div[self.PS_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.PS_idx]
        Bmse = ThermLibNumpy.bmse_calc(Tprior,qvprior,P0,PSprior,self.hyam,self.hybm)
        Bmseprior = (Bmse-self.inp_subT[self.TBP_idx])/self.inp_divT[self.TBP_idx]
        post = np.concatenate([X[:,:30],Bmseprior.astype(np.float32),X[:,60:]], axis=1)
        X_result = post
        return X_result

# Surface sensible heat fluxes to version of SHF normalized by
# near-surface temperature disequilibrium
class SHF2SHF_nsDELTNumpy:
    def __init__(self, inp_sub, inp_div, inp_subSHF, inp_divSHF, hyam, hybm, epsilon):
        self.inp_sub, self.inp_div, inp_subSHF, inp_divSHF, self.hyam, self.hybm, self.epsilon = \
        np.array(inp_sub), np.array(inp_div), \
        np.array(inp_subSHF), np.array(inp_divSHF), \
        np.array(hyam), np.array(hybm),np.array(epsilon)

        # Define variable indices here
        # Input
        self.QBP_idx = slice(0,30)
        self.TBP_idx = slice(30,60)
        self.PS_idx = 60
        self.SHFLX_idx = 62
        self.LHFLX_idx = 63

    def process(self,X):
        Tprior = X[:,self.TBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.TBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.TBP_idx]
        SHFprior = X[:,self.SHFLX_idx]*self.inp_div[self.SHFLX_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.SHFLX_idx]

        #Tile_dim = [1,30]
        #TSprior = np.tile(np.expand_dims(Tprior[:,-1],axis=1),Tile_dim)
        Tdenprior = np.maximum(self.epsilon,TSprior-Tprior[:,-1])

        #SHFtile = np.tile(np.expand_dims(SHFprior,axis=1),Tile_dim)
        SHFscaled = (SHFprior/(C_P*Tdenprior)-\
        Tile_dim = [1,1]
        SHFtile = np.tile(np.expand_dims(SHFscaled.astype(np.float32),axis=1),Tile_dim)

        post = np.concatenate([X[:,:self.SHFLX_idx],SHFtile,X[:,self.LHFLX_idx:]], axis=1)

        X_result = post
        return post

# Surface latent heat fluxes to version of LHF normalized by
# near-surface temperature disequilibrium
class LHF2LHF_nsDELQNumpy:
    def __init__(self, inp_sub, inp_div, inp_subLHF, inp_divLHF, hyam, hybm, epsilon):
        self.inp_sub, self.inp_div, self.inp_subLHF, self.inp_divLHF, self.hyam, self.hybm, self.epsilon = \
        np.array(inp_sub), np.array(inp_div), \
        np.array(inp_subLHF), np.array(inp_divLHF), \
        np.array(hyam), np.array(hybm),np.array(epsilon)

        # Define variable indices here
        # Input
        self.QBP_idx = slice(0,30)
        self.TBP_idx = slice(30,60)
        self.PS_idx = 60
        self.SHFLX_idx = 62
        self.LHFLX_idx = 63

    def process(self,X):
        qvprior = X[:,self.QBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.QBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.QBP_idx]
        Tprior = X[:,self.TBP_idx]*self.inp_div[self.TBP_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.TBP_idx]
        PSprior = X[:,self.PS_idx]*self.inp_div[self.PS_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.PS_idx]
        LHFprior = X[:,self.LHFLX_idx]*self.inp_div[self.LHFLX_idx]+self.inp_sub[self.LHFLX_idx]

        Qdenprior = (ThermLibNumpy.qsatNumpy(Tprior,P0,PSprior,self.hyam,self.hybm))[:,-1]-qvprior[:,-1]
        Qdenprior = np.maximum(self.epsilon,Qdenprior)

        Tile_dim = [1,1]
        #LHFtile = np.tile(np.expand_dims(LHFprior,axis=1),Tile_dim)
        LHFscaled = (LHFprior/(L_V*Qdenprior)-\
        LHFtile = np.tile(np.expand_dims(LHFscaled.astype(np.float32),axis=1),Tile_dim)

        post = np.concatenate([X[:,:self.LHFLX_idx],LHFtile,\

        X_result = post
        return post
#@title Source code for the custom data generator: Run to proceed and double click at your own risk

# Utility for the data generator
def return_var_idxs(ds, var_list, var_cut_off=None):
    To be used on stacked variable dimension. Returns indices array
    ds: xarray dataset
    var_list: list of variables
    var_idxs: indices array
    if var_cut_off is None:
        var_idxs = np.concatenate([np.where(ds.var_names == v)[0] for v in var_list])
        idxs_list = []
        for v in var_list:
            i = np.where(ds.var_names == v)[0]
            if v in var_cut_off.keys():
                i = i[var_cut_off[v]:]
        var_idxs = np.concatenate(idxs_list)
    return var_idxs

# Input normalization
class Normalizer(object):
    """Base normalizer class. All normalization classes must have a transform method."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.transform_arrays = None

    def transform(self, x):
        return x

class InputNormalizer(object):
    """Normalizer that subtracts and then divides."""
    def __init__(self, norm_ds, var_list, sub='mean', div='std_by_var', var_cut_off=None):
        var_idxs = return_var_idxs(norm_ds, var_list, var_cut_off)
        self.sub = norm_ds[sub].values[var_idxs]
        if div == 'maxrs':
            rang = norm_ds['max'][var_idxs] - norm_ds['min'][var_idxs]
            std_by_var = rang.copy()
            for v in var_list:
                std_by_var[std_by_var.var_names == v] = norm_ds['std_by_var'][
                    norm_ds.var_names_single == v]
            self.div = np.maximum(rang, std_by_var).values
        elif div == 'std_by_var':
            # SR: Total mess. Should be handled better
            tmp_var_names = norm_ds.var_names[var_idxs]
            self.div = np.zeros(len(tmp_var_names))
            for v in var_list:
                std_by_var = norm_ds['std_by_var'][norm_ds.var_names_single == v]
                self.div[tmp_var_names == v] = std_by_var
            self.div = norm_ds[div].values[var_idxs]
        self.transform_arrays = {
            'sub': self.sub,
            'div': self.div

    def transform(self, x):
        return (x - self.sub) / self.div

    def inverse_transform(self, x):
        return (x * self.div) + self.sub

# Data generator class from
class DataGenerator(tf.keras.utils.Sequence):
    Data generator class.

    def __init__(self, data_fn, input_vars, output_vars,
                 norm_fn=None, input_transform=None, output_transform=None,
                 batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, xarray=False, var_cut_off=None):
        # Just copy over the attributes
        self.data_fn, self.norm_fn = data_fn, norm_fn
        self.input_vars, self.output_vars = input_vars, output_vars
        self.batch_size, self.shuffle = batch_size, shuffle

        # Open datasets
        self.data_ds = xr.open_dataset(data_fn)
        if norm_fn is not None: self.norm_ds = xr.open_dataset(norm_fn)

        # Compute number of samples and batches
        self.n_samples = self.data_ds.vars.shape[0]
        self.n_batches = int(np.floor(self.n_samples) / self.batch_size)

        # Get input and output variable indices
        self.input_idxs = return_var_idxs(self.data_ds, input_vars, var_cut_off)
        self.output_idxs = return_var_idxs(self.data_ds, output_vars)
        self.n_inputs, self.n_outputs = len(self.input_idxs), len(self.output_idxs)

        # Initialize input and output normalizers/transformers
        if input_transform is None:
            self.input_transform = Normalizer()
        elif type(input_transform) is tuple:
            self.input_transform = InputNormalizer(
                self.norm_ds, input_vars, input_transform[0], input_transform[1], var_cut_off)
            self.input_transform = input_transform  # Assume an initialized normalizer is passed

        if output_transform is None:
            self.output_transform = Normalizer()
        elif type(output_transform) is dict:
            self.output_transform = DictNormalizer(self.norm_ds, output_vars, output_transform)
            self.output_transform = output_transform  # Assume an initialized normalizer is passed

        # Now close the xarray file and load it as an h5 file instead
        # This significantly speeds up the reading of the data...
        if not xarray:
            self.data_ds = h5py.File(data_fn, 'r')

    def __len__(self):
        return self.n_batches

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # Compute start and end indices for batch
        start_idx = index * self.batch_size
        end_idx = start_idx + self.batch_size

        # Grab batch from data
        batch = self.data_ds['vars'][start_idx:end_idx]

        # Split into inputs and outputs
        X = batch[:, self.input_idxs]
        Y = batch[:, self.output_idxs]

        # Normalize
        X = self.input_transform.transform(X)
        Y = self.output_transform.transform(Y)

        return X, Y

    def on_epoch_end(self):
        self.indices = np.arange(self.n_batches)
        if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(self.indices)

# The custom generator class, inheriting the data generator class above
class DataGeneratorCI(DataGenerator):
    def __init__(self, data_fn, input_vars, output_vars,
             norm_fn=None, input_transform=None, output_transform=None,
             batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, xarray=False, var_cut_off=None,
             lev=None, interm_size=40,
        self.output_scaling = output_scaling
        self.interpolate = interpolate
        self.Qscaling = Qscaling
        self.Tscaling = Tscaling
        self.LHFscaling = LHFscaling
        self.SHFscaling = SHFscaling
        self.inp_shape = 64
        super().__init__(data_fn, input_vars,output_vars,norm_fn,input_transform,output_transform,
                        batch_size,shuffle,xarray,var_cut_off) ## call the base data generator
        self.inp_sub = self.input_transform.sub
        self.inp_div = self.input_transform.div
        if Qscaling=='RH':
            self.QLayer = QV2RHNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_Qscaling,inp_div_Qscaling,hyam,hybm)
        elif Qscaling=='QSATdeficit':
            self.QLayer = QV2QSATdeficitNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_Qscaling,inp_div_Qscaling,hyam,hybm)
        if Tscaling=='TfromNS':
            self.TLayer = T2TmTNSNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_Tscaling,inp_div_Tscaling,hyam,hybm)
        elif Tscaling=='BCONS':
            self.TLayer = T2BCONSNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_Tscaling,inp_div_Tscaling,hyam,hybm)
        elif Tscaling=='BMSE':
            self.TLayer = T2BMSENumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_Tscaling,inp_div_Tscaling,hyam,hybm)
        elif Tscaling=='T_NSto220':
            self.TLayer = T2T_NSto220Numpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_Tscaling,inp_div_Tscaling,hyam,hybm)
        if LHFscaling=='LHF_nsDELQ':
            self.LHFLayer = LHF2LHF_nsDELQNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_LHFscaling,inp_div_LHFscaling,hyam,hybm,epsQ)
        elif LHFscaling=='LHF_nsQ':
            self.LHFLayer = LHF2LHF_nsQNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_LHFscaling,inp_div_LHFscaling,hyam,hybm,epsQ)
        if SHFscaling=='SHF_nsDELT':
            self.SHFLayer = SHF2SHF_nsDELTNumpy(self.inp_sub,self.inp_div,inp_sub_SHFscaling,inp_div_SHFscaling,hyam,hybm,epsT)
        if output_scaling:
            self.scalingLayer = ScalingNumpy(hyam,hybm)
            self.inp_shape += 1
        if interpolate:
            self.interpLayer = InterpolationNumpy(lev,is_continous,Tnot,lower_lim,interm_size)
            self.inp_shape += interm_size*2 + 4 + 30 ## 4 same as 60-64 and 30 for lev_tilde.size
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # Compute start and end indices for batch
        start_idx = index * self.batch_size
        end_idx = start_idx + self.batch_size
        # Grab batch from data
        batch = self.data_ds['vars'][start_idx:end_idx]
        # Split into inputs and outputs
        X = batch[:, self.input_idxs]
        Y = batch[:, self.output_idxs]
        # Normalize
        X_norm = self.input_transform.transform(X)
        Y = self.output_transform.transform(Y)
        X_result = np.copy(X_norm)
        if self.Qscaling:
            X_result = self.QLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.Tscaling:
            # tgb - 3/21/2021 - BCONS needs qv in kg/kg as an input
            if self.Tscaling=='BCONS' or self.Tscaling=='BMSE':
                if self.Qscaling:
                    X_resultT = self.TLayer.process(X_norm)
                    X_result = np.concatenate([X_result[:,:30],X_resultT[:,30:60],X_result[:,60:]], axis=1)
                    X_result = self.TLayer.process(X_result)
                X_result = self.TLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.SHFscaling:
            X_result = self.SHFLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.LHFscaling:
            # tgb - 3/22/2021 - LHF_ns(DEL)Q needs qv in kg/kg and T in K
            if self.Qscaling or self.Tscaling:
                X_resultLHF = self.LHFLayer.process(X_norm)
                X_result = np.concatenate([X_result[:,:60],X_resultLHF[:,60:]],axis=1)
                X_result = self.LHFLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.output_scaling:
            scalings = self.scalingLayer.process(X)
            X_result = np.hstack((X_result,scalings))
        if self.interpolate:
            interpolated = self.interpLayer.process(X,X_result)
            X_result = np.hstack((X_result,interpolated))
        if self.mode=='val':
            return xr.DataArray(X_result), xr.DataArray(Y)
        return X_result,Y
    ##transforms the input data into the required format, take the unnormalized dataset
    def transform(self,X):
        X_norm = self.input_transform.transform(X)
        X_result = X_norm
        if self.Qscaling:
            X_result = self.QLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.Tscaling:
            X_result = self.TLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.SHFscaling:
            X_result = self.SHFLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.LHFscaling:
            X_result = self.LHFLayer.process(X_result)
        if self.scaling:
            scalings = self.scalingLayer.process(X)
            X_result = np.hstack((X_result,scalings))
        if self.interpolate:
            interpolated = self.interpLayer.process(X,X_result)
            X_result = np.hstack((X_result,interpolated))
        return X_result

5.3.5. Part III: Exposing the Generalization Problem of Standard Neural Networks#

The first step, which does not even require anything custom, is to show that neural network subgrid parameterizations trained on cold simulation output struggle to generalize to warm simulation output.

✍ To practice, we will still use the custom data generator class DataGeneratorCI and choose the arguments so as not to apply any physical rescaling.

# Training generator loading data from the cold climate
train_gen_cold = DataGeneratorCI(
    data_fn = cold_open, # path to cold climate data
    input_vars = ['QBP','TBP','PS','SOLIN','SHFLX','LHFLX'], # inputs/features
    output_vars = ['TPHYSTND'], # outputs/targets
    norm_fn = norm_raw_open, # input normalization constants
    input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'), # inputnormalization transform
    output_transform = None # output transform -- None needed here

5.3.6. Q3) Create a standard neural network using the hyperparameters of your choice#

We’ll refer to this standard (non physically-rescaled) neural network as “brute-force” (BF). The solution gives suggested parameters but we encourage you to be creative here 🎨

Given the environment of this notebook, we highly encourage you to use the Keras functional API to design your neural network. Keras has helpful tutorials and an extensive documentation if you’re not yet used to training neural networks.

inp_BF = Input(shape=(64,)) # We start from 64 inputs

# Be creative here
layer_1 = ___(___, activation=___)(inp_BF)
layer_2 = ___
layer_n = ___

out_BF = Dense(30, activation='linear')(layer_n) # We need to end up with 30 outputs

NN_BF = keras.Model(inputs=inp_BF,outputs=out_BF) # Brute-force model
# Run this cell to check whether the neural network's architecture
# corresponds to what you had in mind
#@title A possible solution for Q3

# 1) Create a generic NN model with 7 layers of 128 neurons and
# Leaky Rectified Linear Unit activation functions
def NN_model(inp):
    densout = Dense(128, activation='linear')(inp)
    densout = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.3)(densout)
    for i in range (6):
        densout = Dense(128, activation='linear')(densout)
        densout = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.3)(densout)
    dense_out = Dense(30, activation='linear')(densout)
    return tf.keras.models.Model(inp, dense_out)

# 2) Create an instance of this generic NN for the brute-force model
inp_BF = Input(shape=(64,))
NN_BF = NN_model(inp_BF) # Brute-force model

5.3.7. Q4) Compile your neural network using an optimizer and a loss function that are adapted for multivariate regression problems#


  1. Here’s a list of easily-accessible optimizers in Keras. Our go-to was the Adam optimizer, but the best optimizer will depend on your model’s architecture and loss function.

  2. Here’s a list of easily-accessible losses in Keras. Our go-to was the mean-squared error (a safe bet for multivariate regression problems with well-behaved distributions) but nothing prevents you from being more creative 🎨

NN_BF.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.___, loss=___)
#@title A possible solution for Q4

mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() # Instantiate an unweighted MSE loss
# Compile the neural network for training
NN_BF.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), loss=mse)

Now it’s time for a little trick 🎪 We’ll introduce a custom callback that allows us to measure the loss on the warm climate dataset at the end of every epoch. That way, we’ll see whether training our neural network is helping or harming its ability to make prediction in the warm climate.

#@title Simply run this cell to create the custom callback class "AdditionalValidationSets"

# From
class AdditionalValidationSets(keras.callbacks.Callback):
    def __init__(self, validation_sets, verbose=0, batch_size=None):
        :param validation_sets:
        a list of 3-tuples (validation_data, validation_targets, validation_set_name)
        or 4-tuples (validation_data, validation_targets, sample_weights, validation_set_name)
        :param verbose:
        verbosity mode, 1 or 0
        :param batch_size:
        batch size to be used when evaluating on the additional datasets
        super(AdditionalValidationSets, self).__init__()
        self.validation_sets = validation_sets
        self.epoch = []
        self.history = {}
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.batch_size = batch_size

    def on_train_begin(self, logs=None):
        self.epoch = []
        self.history = {}

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        logs = logs or {}

        # record the same values as History() as well
        for k, v in logs.items():
            self.history.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

        # evaluate on the additional validation sets
        for validation_set in self.validation_sets:
            valid_generator,valid_name = validation_set
            results = self.model.evaluate(valid_generator)

            for metric, result in zip(self.model.metrics_names,[results]):
                valuename = valid_name + '_' + metric
                self.history.setdefault(valuename, []).append(result)

We can now use this callback to track the loss on the warm simulation output.

Note: This AdditionalValidationSets callback is a bit of an overkill because we could have defined the warm climate as our validation set, which is enough to track the loss at the end of every epoch in Keras. However, this callback comes in very handy if we would like to use more than one validation set! 😎

# Validation generator loading data from the warm climate
valid_gen_warm = DataGeneratorCI(
    data_fn = warm_open, # path to cold climate data
    input_vars = ['QBP','TBP','PS','SOLIN','SHFLX','LHFLX'], # inputs/features
    output_vars = ['TPHYSTND'], # outputs/targets
    norm_fn = norm_raw_open, # input normalization constants
    input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'), # inputnormalization transform
    output_transform = None # output transform -- None needed here

# Instantiate a callback tracking the loss in the warm climate
learning_curve_BF = AdditionalValidationSets([(valid_gen_warm,'Generalization to warm climate')])

5.3.8. Q5) Train a “brute-force” neural net and track its loss on both the cold and warm data#

⚠ There is a high risk of overfitting the (cold) training set if your neural network has a lot of trainable parameters (weights/biases) and you train it for too many epochs ⚠

Because of time limitations, we are not optimally using the information from the cold climate. Best practices would recommend splitting the cold climate into several training/validation folds that we would use to avoid overfitting and optimize the hyperparameters, including the epoch used to save the best weights and biases for the neural network.

In our preprint, we show that even if one is careful not to overfit the training set in the cold climate, “brute-force” neural networks will still fail to generalize to much warmer climates (8K here).

# Enables tensorflow with GPU on Google Colab
# From
device_name = tf.test.gpu_device_name()
if device_name != '/device:GPU:0':
  raise SystemError('GPU device not found')
print('Found GPU at: {}'.format(device_name))
# Complete the code below to train your brute-force neural network
Nep = __ # Choose your number of epochs depending on the time you have (e.g., 10)
NN_BF.___(___, epochs = ___, callbacks = ___)
#@title A possible solution for Q5

Nep = 10 # Number of epochs, epochs=Nep, callbacks=[learning_curve_BF])

See below for Q5’s training without a GPU accelerator. 🐢


And see below for Q5’s training with a GPU accelerator. Quite a bit faster, isn’t it? 🚅


Let’s now compare the losses in the cold and the warm climate. They may be so different that we use a log scale on the right-hand side panel.

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12.5,5))

cold_BFloss = learning_curve_BF.history['loss']
warm_BFloss = learning_curve_BF.history['Generalization to warm climate_loss']
epoch = np.arange(1,len(cold_BFloss)+1)

for iplot in range(2):
  if iplot==1:
    ax[iplot].set_ylabel('Log scale')
  else: ax[iplot].set_ylabel('Lin scale')
  ax[iplot].set_xlabel('Number of Epochs')


plt.suptitle('User-chosen loss based on subgrid heating in units [K/s]');

As we can see, our brute-force network struggles to generalize from the cold (blue) to the warm (red) climate, except for very specific choices of architectures. This suggests that the mapping learned by the neural network is not climate-invariant, as it cannot transfer from the cold to the warm climate.


In the next part and inspired by your earlier result in Q2, we will explore how rescaling specific humidity to relative humidity can help your neural networks generalize across climates.

5.3.9. Part IV: Physically Rescaling the Inputs to Facilitate Generalization across Climates#


The generalization issue we just observed suggests that the “brute-force” mapping from raw inputs to raw outputs is not the same in the cold and in the warm climate, leading to a generalization problem. Can we find a way to rescale our model’s inputs so that the mapping learned in the cold climate also applies in the warm climate (“climate invariance”)?

Fig 1 from our 2021 preprint on climate-invariant machine learning.

We can use our same DataGeneratorCI class to create a data generator that automatically rescale inputs before feeding them to the neural network during training. All we have to do is specify a few more arguments, including the names of the rescalings (which are strings):

  • The specific humidity rescaling Qscaling

  • The temperature rescaling Tscaling

  • The latent heat fluxes rescaling LHFscaling

and a much trickier aspect, which is renormalization of the inputs. For that, we change the mean we subtract and the range we divide by through the following arguments:

  • inp_sub_Qscaling and inp_div_Qscaling for specific humidity

  • inp_sub_Tscaling and inp_div_Tscaling for temperature

  • inp_sub_LHFscaling and inp_div_LHFscaling for surface latent heat fluxes

These arguments take in values from separate normalization files, which are still calculated over the cold training set following best practices. We load these normalization files into dummy generators used for normalization below.

#@title Run this cell to create generators used for normalization after rescaling

# Wrap around the custom generator class to create these normalization generators
def train_gen_rescaling(input_rescaling, out_vars, path_norm, path_train):
    return DataGeneratorCI(
        data_fn = path_train,
        input_vars = input_rescaling,
        output_vars = out_vars,
        norm_fn = path_norm,
        input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'),
        output_transform = None)

# Build the normalization generators for our most successful input rescalings:
# Specific humidity to relative humidity
# Temperature to moist static energy-conserving plume buoyancy
# Latent heat fluxes to the version divided by near-surface moisture disequilibrium
gen_normRH = train_gen_rescaling(['RH', 'TBP', 'PS', 'SOLIN', 'SHFLX', 'LHFLX'],
                                 ['TPHYSTND'], RH_open, RH_train_open)
gen_normBMSE = train_gen_rescaling(['QBP', 'BMSE', 'PS', 'SOLIN', 'SHFLX', 'LHFLX'],
                                   ['TPHYSTND'], B_open, BMSE_train_open)
gen_normLHFns = train_gen_rescaling(['QBP', 'TBP', 'PS', 'SOLIN', 'SHFLX', 'LHF_nsDELQ'],
                                    ['TPHYSTND'], LHFnsDELQ_open,

Below are the custom data generators loading data from the cold and warm climate and rescaling specific humidity to relative humidity before feeding the inputs to the neural networks 🤖

# Generator loading data from the cold climate
# and rescaling specific to relative humidity
train_gen_cold_RH = DataGeneratorCI(
    data_fn = cold_open, # path to cold climate data
    input_vars = ['QBP','TBP','PS','SOLIN','SHFLX','LHFLX'], # inputs/features
    output_vars = ['TPHYSTND'], # outputs/targets
    norm_fn = norm_raw_open, # input normalization constants
    input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'), # inputnormalization transform
    output_transform = None, # output transform -- None needed here
    hyam=hyam, hybm=hybm, # Arrays to define mid-levels of the hybrid vertical coordinate
    Qscaling = 'RH', # Rescale specific humidity to relative humidity,
    inp_sub_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.div # Using attributes of norm. generator

# Generator loading data from the warm climate
# and rescaling specific to relative humidity
valid_gen_warm_RH = DataGeneratorCI(
    data_fn = warm_open, # path to cold climate data
    input_vars = ['QBP','TBP','PS','SOLIN','SHFLX','LHFLX'], # inputs/features
    output_vars = ['TPHYSTND'], # outputs/targets
    norm_fn = norm_raw_open, # input normalization constants
    input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'), # inputnormalization transform
    output_transform = None, # output transform -- None needed here
    hyam=hyam, hybm=hybm, # Arrays to define mid-levels of hybrid vertical coordinate
    Qscaling = 'RH', # Rescale specific humidity to relative humidity,
    inp_sub_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.div # Using attributes of norm. generator

5.3.10. Q6) Repeat the steps of part III to create the climate-invariant counterpart of your brute-force network#

🍎 For comparison purposes, we recommend keeping the exact same architectures and losses as in part III, changing only the data generator. More generally, all hyperparameters (including the number of epochs for training) should be held fixed except for the physical rescaling in the data generator. 🍏

Note: The training should be much slower (by a factor 2-4) now that we have added the physical rescaling in the data generator. 🚆

# 1) Create a new NN with the exact same hyperparameters
inp_RH = Input(shape=(64,))
NN_RH = ___

# 2) Compile this neural network for training with the same optimizer and loss

# 3) Instantiate a callback tracking the loss in the warm climate
learning_curve_RH = AdditionalValidationSets([(___,'Generalization to warm climate')])
# 4) Train the (Q to RH)-rescaled NN for the same number of epochs
Nep = 10 # Choose the same number of epochs
NN_RH.___(___, epochs=Nep, callbacks=[___])
#@title A possible solution for Q6 (1/2)

# 1) Create an instance of our generic NN class for the (Q to RH)-rescaled NN
inp_RH = Input(shape=(64,))
NN_RH = NN_model(inp_RH) # Brute-force model

# 2) Compile the neural network for training
NN_RH.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), loss=mse)

# 3) Instantiate a callback tracking the loss in the warm climate
learning_curve_RH = AdditionalValidationSets([(valid_gen_warm_RH,'Generalization to warm climate')])
#@title A possible solution for Q6 (2/2)

# 4) Train the (Q to RH)-rescaled NN for the same number of epochs
Nep = 10 # Choose the same number of epochs, epochs=Nep, callbacks=[learning_curve_RH])

Let’s repeat the exact same comparison in the cold and warm climates.

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12.5,5))

cold_RHloss = learning_curve_RH.history['loss']
warm_RHloss = learning_curve_RH.history['Generalization to warm climate_loss']
epoch = np.arange(1,len(cold_RHloss)+1)

for iplot in range(2):
  # Change label depending on iplot
  if iplot==0:
    lin_label_BF = 'Brute Force'; lin_label_CI = 'RH input rescaling';
    scat_label_c = ''; scat_label_w = '';
    lin_label_BF = ''; lin_label_CI = '';
    scat_label_c = 'Cold'; scat_label_w = 'Warm';
  ax[iplot].plot(epoch,cold_BFloss,color='b', linestyle='--', label=lin_label_BF)
  ax[iplot].plot(epoch,cold_RHloss,color='b', label=lin_label_CI)
  ax[iplot].scatter(epoch,cold_RHloss,color='b', label=scat_label_c)
  ax[iplot].scatter(epoch,warm_RHloss,color='r', label=scat_label_w)
  if iplot==1:
    ax[iplot].set_ylabel('Log scale')
  else: ax[iplot].set_ylabel('Lin scale')
  ax[iplot].set_xlabel('Number of Epochs')


plt.suptitle('User-chosen loss based on subgrid heating in units [K/s]');

Normally, you should already see a significant improvement: By reducing the amount of extrapolation in the most out-of-distribution input (specific humidity), we can already create a much more generalizable model! 🌈

Making neural networks more generalizable and trustworthy is key to facilitating their deployment in science and operations.

If you are curious and would like to go further than this, this notebook’s last part explores two additional rescalings to make the neural network almost fully “climate-invariant”:

  1. Temperature into moist static energy-conserving plume buoyancy,

  2. Latent heat fluxes into latent heat fluxes divided by the near-surface moisture disequilibrium.

The physical assumptions and mathematical details of these rescalings can be found in the appendices of our preprint at this link.

5.3.11. Part V (Bonus): Towards “Climate-Invariant” Neural Networks#

# Generator loading data from the cold climate
# and rescaling specific to relative humidity
# temperature into MSE-conserving plume buoyancy
# and latent heat fluxes into LHF divided by near-surface moisture disequilibrium
train_gen_cold_CI = DataGeneratorCI(
    data_fn = cold_open, # path to cold climate data
    input_vars = ['QBP','TBP','PS','SOLIN','SHFLX','LHFLX'], # inputs/features
    output_vars = ['TPHYSTND'], # outputs/targets
    norm_fn = norm_raw_open, # input normalization constants
    input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'), # inputnormalization transform
    output_transform = None, # output transform -- None needed here
    hyam=hyam, hybm=hybm, # Arrays to define mid-levels of the hybrid vertical coordinate
    Qscaling = 'RH', # Rescale specific humidity to relative humidity,
    Tscaling = 'BMSE', # Rescale temperature to plume buoyancy,
    LHFscaling = 'LHF_nsDELQ', # Rescale latent heat fluxes
    inp_sub_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.div, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_sub_Tscaling = gen_normBMSE.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_Tscaling = gen_normBMSE.input_transform.div, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_sub_LHFscaling = gen_normLHFns.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_LHFscaling = gen_normLHFns.input_transform.div # Using attributes of norm. generator

# Generator loading data from the warm climate
# and applying the same three rescalings as above
valid_gen_warm_CI = DataGeneratorCI(
    data_fn = warm_open, # path to cold climate data
    input_vars = ['QBP','TBP','PS','SOLIN','SHFLX','LHFLX'], # inputs/features
    output_vars = ['TPHYSTND'], # outputs/targets
    norm_fn = norm_raw_open, # input normalization constants
    input_transform = ('mean', 'maxrs'), # inputnormalization transform
    output_transform = None, # output transform -- None needed here
    hyam=hyam, hybm=hybm, # Arrays to define mid-levels of hybrid vertical coordinate
    Qscaling = 'RH', # Rescale specific humidity to relative humidity,
    Tscaling = 'BMSE', # Rescale temperature to plume buoyancy,
    LHFscaling = 'LHF_nsDELQ', # Rescale latent heat fluxes
    inp_sub_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_Qscaling = gen_normRH.input_transform.div, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_sub_Tscaling = gen_normBMSE.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_Tscaling = gen_normBMSE.input_transform.div, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_sub_LHFscaling = gen_normLHFns.input_transform.sub, # Using attributes of norm. generator
    inp_div_LHFscaling = gen_normLHFns.input_transform.div # Using attributes of norm. generator
# 1) Create an instance of our generic NN class for the climate-invariant NN
inp_CI = Input(shape=(64,))
NN_CI = NN_model(inp_CI) # Brute-force model

# 2) Compile the neural network for training
NN_CI.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), loss=mse)

# 3) Instantiate a callback tracking the loss in the warm climate
learning_curve_CI = AdditionalValidationSets([(valid_gen_warm_CI,'Generalization to warm climate')])
# 4) Train the climate-invariant NN for the same number of epochs
Nep = 10 # Choose the same number of epochs, epochs=Nep, callbacks=[learning_curve_CI])
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12.5,5))

cold_CIloss = learning_curve_CI.history['loss']
warm_CIloss = learning_curve_CI.history['Generalization to warm climate_loss']
epoch = np.arange(1,len(cold_CIloss)+1)

for iplot in range(2):
  # Change label depending on iplot
  if iplot==0:
    lin_label_BF = 'Brute Force'; lin_label_CI = 'Climate Invariant';
    scat_label_c = ''; scat_label_w = '';
    lin_label_BF = ''; lin_label_CI = '';
    scat_label_c = 'Cold'; scat_label_w = 'Warm';
  ax[iplot].plot(epoch,cold_BFloss,color='b', linestyle='--', label=lin_label_BF)
  ax[iplot].plot(epoch,cold_CIloss,color='b', label=lin_label_CI)
  ax[iplot].scatter(epoch,cold_CIloss,color='b', label=scat_label_c)
  ax[iplot].scatter(epoch,warm_CIloss,color='r', label=scat_label_w)
  if iplot==1:
    ax[iplot].set_ylabel('Log scale')
  else: ax[iplot].set_ylabel('Lin scale')
  ax[iplot].set_xlabel('Number of Epochs')


plt.suptitle('User-chosen loss based on subgrid heating in units [K/s]');

By combining these three rescalings, you should be able to get very similar performance metrics in the warm and cold climate, despite the fact that the neural network was only trained in a cold climate 🤩


🔥 Congratulations: You can now use your physical knowledge to create machine learning algorithms that are robust to changes in their inputs!

And with that, you are officially done with the exercises for ANNs: Well-done! 🎉

Source: Art by SoulMyst licensed under the Adobe Stock standard license